Teen Slang "OK, Houston, we've had a problem here." "Subversive elements plan to make American children live in an environment that is good for them." "'Stop being juveniles,' a Lindsay aide, Donald Evans, admonished a construction worker. 'What do you mean, being a juvenile?' he replied, punching Mr. Evans on the chin." "It is time we stopped making the hardhats into a kind of folk hero. There may be much to sympathize with but very little to admire in these men. It is no coincidence that theirs is among the most racist and racket-ridden of unions. In any other free society we would see them for what they are - thugs and bullies, a dreadful danger to the society, and a dreadful indictment of it, that it should have raised such citizens." "Some people say, 'Why did you spend your money on posters or peace campaigns? Why didn't you give it to the Biafran children, or something like that?'
And we say, 'We're trying to prevent cancer, not cure it.' |