The Top Ten TV Shows
60 Minutes (CBS)
Three's Company (ABC)
That's Incredible (ABC)
Alice (CBS)
Dallas (CBS)
Dukes of Hazzard (CBS)
The Jeffersons (CBS)
Flo (CBS)
One Day at a Time (CBS)


"Disco sucks! Disco sucks! Disco sucks!"
- DJ Steve Dahl leading the crowd at "Disco Demolition Night"

"And if they take our employees in our embassy hostage, then what would be your advice?" 
- President Jimmy Carter to his cabinet on whether to allow the Shah of Iran into the U.S.

"I thought a lot about our Nation and what I should do as President. And Sunday night before last, I made a speech about two problems of our country - energy and malaise."
- President Jimmy Carter

"A new world war can hardly fail to involve the all-out use of nuclear weapons. Such a war would not drag on for years. It could be all over in a matter of days. And when it is all over, what will the world be like? Our fine, great buildings, our homes will exist no more. The thousands of years it took to develop our civilization will have been in vain. Our works of art will be lost. Radio, television, newspapers will disappear. There will be no means of transport. There will be no hospitals. No help can be expected for the few mutilated survivors in any town to be sent from a neighboring town - there will be no neighboring towns left, no neighbors, there will be no help, there will be no hope."
- Admiral of the Fleet the Earl Mountbatten


The Average Cost of a New Car: $6,500.00

The Average Cost of a New House: $71,800.00

Cost of a First Class Stamp: 15 cents

Median Household Income: $19,600.00